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How Do You Know If Your Equestrian Air Vest Is Too Small?

There are a couple of really easy ways to identify that your vest too small.
You should have room to be able to pull the vest away from the body a couple of inches so that it can inflate away from your body. If you can't fit your fingers under the seams of the vest and you feel like it's going to leave a red mark anywhere, it's too snug. 
Check your armpits! If the vest is going to be riding off into your armpit, it's going to be very uncomfortable when in inflates because it will rise up even further into the armpit. 
While the canister should sit flush against the torso, it shouldn't be tight against it.
At the back, the vest should sit slightly below the SI joint and iliac crests. Ideally, you want one hand-width from the base of the saddle. More than that, and you are giving up lower back protection.
Need help with a fitting? Give us a call.

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