How Ride EquiSafe Came To Be
I've been exceptionally lucky to have horses in my life for nearly 40 years now (gosh that makes me feel old). While I'm primarily a hunter/jumper rider, about five years ago I began riding with a trainer that also events.

My horse at the time was game for pretty much everything. Coquette, aka Strudel around the barn, was my A/O jumper, who would do the hunter derby the same weekend. I thought, "Why not event her too?"
This began my personal quest to "Say Yes to the Vest." That quest was much harder than I thought. I found it very difficult to research all of my different options; to learn about materials, design, safety certifications, and so on. I also found that most tack shops had limited expertise and usually only carried one or two brands.
So, I did what any normal horse person would do. I traveled to the Rolex Kentucky 3-Day Event with the primary purpose of shopping their legendary trade fair. I think the entire time I was there I only watched two horses go, and the rest of the time was spent learning as much as I could about safety vests.
I ended up saying "yes" to an Airowear hybrid air vest and body protector.

Fast forward to 2020. There have been several high profile falls and unrecoverable injuries and the conversation about safety equipment has heightened. Yet, the problem I had 5 years ago hasn't been resolved. And that's how Ride EquiSafe came to be. Our primary goal is to educate riders about their options for safety equipment so that they can make an informed decision about how best to protect themselves. Our secondary goal is to provide a one-stop-shop for people to research, compare & contrast, and get fitted for safety equipment by carrying the broadest selection of equipment in North America.
As products evolve and new ones are introduced, Ride EquiSafe is your partner in safety.
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