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The Perfect Fit - Air Vest Edition

What constitutes a perfect fit of an equestrian air vest? Watch the video!

When sizing an air vest, measurements are really important because what fits best is protects best.
First, comfort. The vest should be comfortable without elastic pulling in various places like the hip and underarm. There should be plenty of stretch left in the elastic. We don't want you to be at the end of the stretch of your elastic when you're wearing the vest because we need for the vest to have room to expand outwards when it's deployed. If you are at the end of your stretch, the vest isn't going to have anywhere to go but inwards, and that's not going to be a comfortable feeling.
If you're living in a colder climate and you need to layer your winter layers underneath your vest, that same rule applies. You want to make sure that you still have enough stretch left in your vest even after you've got all of your layers underneath.
Now on the flip side, you don't want the vest to be too loose and have the trigger floating around on your body or pulling too far away from the torso.
For length, we’re looking for about one hand width from the base of the saddle. We want the vest to sit nice and flat against the back, with minimal bunching, and plenty of room to be able to lean forward, get into the 2-point, tuck and roll in the event of a fall.
Looking for the perfect fit? Contact us!

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